Oops in the chicken coop



Settle down now, it is only your stomach,

being terribly aggravated, acting up again

from that gluttonous feast you just had,

a chicken corpse entire, its fetid flesh torn

by the same fork your mother once used.

Oh, I wonder what she might think of you!


You sit there angry, drooling, and gnaw
the bones like a godless, growling hound..
The pride you feel for yourself is merely
because the master whose carpet you shit
upon allows you to live out your soured,
insignificant lifespan- a flash in the pan!
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So eerily evocative I had to

So eerily evocative I had to stop and re-read it, just to make sure of what I was reading.  And yes it was, a horrific tale depicted in highly poetic language.  I am just amzed at your talent, and have enjoyed my readings of your work this afternoon.
