Paint a Picture

I paint a picture in my head

A pretty girl all dressed in red

Who danced among the trees so tall

And beckoned birds with her sweet call

Who took her every step with care

And brought to life the spirits there

Who ran easily each mile

And charmed the people with her smile

Who arrived home, all her deeds done

Her glowing cheeks shone like the sun

The story was wrong, misunderstood,

Grandma�s version of Red Riding Hood  

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Charlotte Pattison's picture

cool use of rhyming couplets and i love the suprise ending.

Karyn Indursky's picture

I can't believe I missed this one, too. It's a creative poem with splashes of inspiration. Your imagery is amazing and your rhyming is right on. Great work!

Danniel Lennax's picture


I like this one!

I especially liked the choice of words.

Well done.


Betty Hattersley's picture

Wow!!! I thought this poem was brilliant. What a twist at the end.