Rest In Peace

Rest in ease, my special friend,

For in life you knew no peace,

Did not rest til others did,

Wanted every war to cease

Did not believe in comfort, but

Smiled when others smiled

Not the easiest of lives but

Made every day worthwhile

You tried in vain; it was your dream,

To say goodbye to pain,

For someone so caring, kind,

It was all give, no gain.

You never gave in; never saw,

That you couldn't run it all,

The power of the planets reluctance,

Could make one lone man fall.

And though I know, nothing good

Has come out of your death,

You realized you had done enough,

When it came to your last breath.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not based on a true story. sorry, morbid too

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robbo's picture

Hey Terri, I really liked this piece of writing...Although it is a very sad piece...Alot of people can take something from it.

ps: thank you for taking the time to read a few of mine and reply. I thought I would take the time to read a few of yours, and I really liked a few, especially this one.

Keep up the good work.

Danniel Lennax's picture

Dear Terri,

Hello again. I said I'd be back.

This is a beautiful piece of writing. It reminds me of my mother...and so many other women doing more that they get credit for.

Keep it up.


cathycavalcante's picture

This may not be based on an actuality...but it can portent to so many people...the way they are...were in this life.
Very nicely done! :)


Laura Minns's picture

wow yooour sooooo good