Bam Bam's Death

With aching heart I flow with pen

Whispered words I long to send

To you a touch of divine love

And let it soar to you above

The sky so high and peaceful blue

I wish for rest along side you

Too early taken, a painful grief

But from your stress, a great relief

So now your place is beside He

Who watches over everything

So you don't hurt

But I still weep

I know these weeks I'll lose some sleep

Thoughts of you dance in my head

The fun we had, the things you said

The days you made me laugh and smile

The days you made me think awhile

The fact your gone kills me inside

The more I think, the more I cry

"Why did Bam Bam have to die?"

I'll cherish your warmth always inside

Love you, miss you

Always will

Even though the friendship's still

But we'll meet again, I know for sure

You'll be there to greet me at heaven's door

But until then, watch over me

Your my angel and will always be

I love with all my heart and soul

It's difficult right now to let go

Rest in peace and know we'll miss you

You'll be in our hearts in all we do

That's it, farewell, my final goodbye

Let your spirit embrace me as I cry

Your death was a lesson that I learned well

As I closed my eyes another tear fell

I hope soon again I'll be at your side

But until then Tony

I love you, goodbye

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I love you Bam Bam. I'll never forget you.

Antonio DeJesus
5/30/74 - 11/12/99

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solace_hero's picture


you have a way with words. i felt the emotion you poured into it. beautifully written, lovely dedication to someone who was and is so incredibly important to you.

SSmoothie's picture

Powerful! a wonderful and

Powerful! a wonderful and touching dedication to someone who is a cut above the rest, one of the best Ive read, sorry for your loss. HugSS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."