Fate: The Immortal Enemy

Trust fails and trust falls

Slowly my screams echo through the halls

You made me believe your false innocence

I wish for remembrance

I wish I never gazed at you

For now everything has fled from the trusted

They all blame one person for their loss

Forever they blame you for the rising cost

My trust failed me and crushed this mind

If I can regain it… That would be sublime

You ruptured every last defense I had

I should be proud I should be glad

But instead you become the immortal enemy

Go ahead and take my soul from me

For that I would not care

I will kill you I swear

I loathe you! I wish for your death

I will do it. It’s all I have left

I must kill my immortal enemy

I must do what is best for me

But how can you destroy something so binding

I need to start rewinding

And remember those of the past

The ones who I believed would really last

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I've read alot of your recent posts, but never really gave any feed back, but yea this is my fav, nothing beats a bit of fate bashing