A World So Big

A world so big,

but yet so small.

Familliar faces you see.

Unfamiliar faces you see.

Each with different styles.

Different personalities.

So many differences in each person,

though some common may ride in each person.

 A world so big,

But yet so small.

No longer safe.

It has become quite scarey.

People you know,

maybe have turned against the good,

and went for the evil tidings of this world.

People you don't know,

who went with the evil tidings,

may have turned for the good things of life.

Things change.

This world changes every day,

and so does the people of this world.


A world so big,

but yet so small.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

February 7, 2013

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looks like every thing is in

looks like every thing is in turmoil

ron parrish