As Love Lies Dying On your Bedroom Floor

By Peter Christopher Raymond


Copright 2011



Your bare arm hangs slackly over the bed rail

And sheets which cover your gentle form are clean and pale

Gazing up at the ceiling in the dark and restless hours

When you're resigned to the fact that love has gone sour

Having studied you thoroughly enough to know your aura and your smell

And corners of your consciousness where your warmest wishes dwell

Where once you were a distant and unreachable curiosity

Now he knows your every quirk and tender generosity

Where once he was your intimate friend and comforting lover

He has now grown complacent with nothing left to discover


As I observe you from afar whilst I feign indifference

I imagine your skin's soft texture and the shape of your fingerprints

You velvet vocal tone bringing relief to my weary bones

Reluctantly though I stay at a distance and leave you well alone

To pull you into a strong and confident embrace would be wonderful

Alas we are both uncomfortable and far too vulnerable

Has I the strength in my frail and feeble arms I would lift you in my grip

Diffuse each wearisome care and bring a blissful smile to your lips

Yet I am neither capable nor foolsih enough to endeavor

In these sincere yet lofty aspirations in which I am not clever


Your eyes are red and swollen and your cheeks are moist from tears

Though you're no  longer enticed by love's sweet verneer

You've pulled the sheets back to conceal your fractured feelings

Less open, spirits broken and a heart seldom revealing

Wearily awakening now as shafts of light cross the room

Sorrow has receded and living has resumed

Pressing on through the awful empty hours of love's aftermath

Sweeping away the broken beauty left in its' path

Cradling the shards of shattered moments of bliss

The fragile illusions of romace you once did nurture and kiss


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bishu's picture

Hi Christopher Harold

Hi Christopher Harold, Nice write. Sometimes I feel it worthwhile to see the dark colours beside the mushy love stories almost everyone writes. "Shards of shattered moments of bliss"........ "fragile ILLUSIONS of romance"... " love has gone sour"..... again the lovely feeling of" bringing relief to my weary bones"

Again getting over the morbid experience "Sorrow has receeded and living has resumed" .......Great writing Harold C.



PeterChristopherRaymond's picture

Thank you very very much! I

Thank you very very much! I find that my dark poetry is far more frank and honest than my lighter work.  :)