Synthesis and hypothesis don’t seem to make sense;

Conciseness and ambiguity make it ambivalent;

Deceitfulness and slyness make it quite fussier;

Yet substantial evidences make you submit.


Passion and eminence make you have a niche;

Succinct but fluent utterances help you break free;

Intimation and modesty prompt reliability;

But assumption and contention help you accomplish.


Perception and comprehension evolve your strategy;

But flamboyancy and hastiness induce complexity;

Huddles and hassles make you feel nebbish;

Besides, untimely consent hitherto makes you vulnerable.


Disruption declutters amalgamation of thoughts;

And robustness breaks your sequential emotions;

Who to believe and who to put your trust in;

As the tryst with life is imminent and you’re sure to perish!



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Neverousness induces confusion and that gets confounded when we act hastily.


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abds's picture

wow! this one is great. I got

wow! this one is great. I got lot to learn from this. thanks.

pbenarumairaj's picture


What a great appreciation this is!  I just love it!  Thanks.
