Perdonami(Forgive me)

Poem Folder

Mi sento come un stronzo per non sono perfetto per te(I feel like an idiot for not being perfect for you)
Ma tutti mia poesia e per te(but all my poems are for you)
Perdonami per tutti mia erorri(forgive me for all my flaws)
Tutti mia sogno parla di te(all my dreams talk about you)
perche non posso volare da te(because I cant fly where you are)
voglio stare con te alla luna(I want to be with you even on the moon)
perche questo mondo e molto profondo con molto agonia senza lei?(why is this world full of agony without her?)
Perdonami sono qui Io vorrei che guardami e perdonami(forgive me I am here I wish you could look at me and forgive me)

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Elfy's picture

Can i ask what this is about?

Can i ask what this is about? I read it a few times, it sounds like a break up and you missing her, or you
trying to tell her you want to be with her, but dont think your good enough to be hers. Forgive me, i may be wrong entirely
lol but thats why i ask. :) Please let me know. Very sweet is all i can say since im not sure what it is truely about.


Passionhispanic's picture

Im not good enough

Im not good enough for her she tells me that men like me are extinct but still I feel this stain of insecureness and fear of losing her. every argument with her is a hell for me I love her no other girl has inspired me like she did she has always been there for me I practically think of her all day it feels like a bipolar poison for a minute is a good thought in the next is a bad thought of losing her for not being perfect.

Elfy's picture

This sounds like words from

This sounds like words from my bf lol. He always thinks im going to find someone else. He graduated from high school 2 years ago, he was a senior when we got togeather, and i was a shopmore. He works and he fears that im going to leave him for a kid still in high school, so every guy that hits on me, he gets mad at.
Im not leaving him lol and i tell him so. Im with him, and yes the temption of guys are all around, but right now, he is who im with. He says that when i argue or yell at him, it crushes his heart, and it crushes mine when he says those words, but we talk it over and make up. your going to argue and bicker with any lady that your with hon. You have to over come this. Now me and him do have our issues, but we do our best to get through, now if it works out or not, is between us. we have to wait and see. But me and him have been togeather for almost 2 years. :) nobodys perfect, its what makes love so quirky.

True love is not perfect, there are many cuts and scraps that come along the way, and a few stichs being put into place,
but if love is true, it will stay. :)


Passionhispanic's picture

That sounds a lot like me

It really does sounds like me now that I think of it it's just that she is very special in my life and I get scared sometimes.