The Winds Of Change


The winds of change keep blowing,

Faster ever day.

As I get older,

They pass by my way.

I used to think I would be a doctor,

Caring for the ill.

But now I am a mother,

Struggling to pay the bill.

I wished for a happy family,

With bliss all round.

But what I got was a husband,

Who knocked me to the ground.

The wind of change was blowing,

So I had to decide.

To leave my way ward husband,

And take the kids on a ride.

We moved from home to home,

Looking for some love.

Then finely the winds where blowing,

And blow in my handsome love.

He showed us how to be gentle;

He showed us how to care.

And to raise his hand in anger,

He would never dare.

And as the winds were blowing,

We found our rightful place.

Full of love and honour,

And a little grace.

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This is so honest I admire you Mum