where are you?

Where are you,

are you scared to reach out?

To reach out to me,

to let your flesh touch mine.


We are ment for each other,

I wish you could see that.

but you are blinded,

by the ones who chase you.

It's all a game to you.


life is full of tricks and suprises.

I wish that you could see me,

for what I truely am.

I'm not a monster,

I'm made up of the things that I love.


Where are you?

Can you hear me?

Can you see me?

I guess we will never know.

Because maybe you don't exist.

Maybe I'm in a coma,

maybe this is all a dream,

 science can't explain the proof,

that we don't exist at all.


I'm through with trying,

I'm tired of games,

I can't belive that I thought these thoughts

I'm invisible

and I'm going to stay this way.




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Morningglory's picture

this was my comment to your poem

Your words inspired these thoughts:


Copyright © morningglory

Panther777's picture

wow, i never inspired someone

wow, i never inspired someone before, i really don't know what to say, thank you!