Be-Bop the Hep Cat

I got some bad news today

My best friend's cat passed away

It happened last Saturday

I don't know what to say

Just found out

trying not to pout

I'm gonna miss him too

but not as much as you

I got to know and love him too

I am so sad for you

and me too

It's crazy cuz we know he lives on

A treasured pet family member friend

true unaffected love will never end

We must remember that

We loved that cat

and he unconditionally loved us back

so we must unconditionally let him go

let his energy flow

back and forth like a yo-yo

visit us in dreams

not as complicated as it seems


Take every opp.

to visit us

remembering visit dreams would be a plus

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just got an email from my best friend and she mentioned that Bebop died Saturday...and was born on Marilyn Monroe's birthday so would have been 15...almost made it...that is a good long life for a cat...but it is always hard to lose a family member is hard to lose anyone but especially the true unconditional loved ones...I have been burned out on too much poetry being bombarded and too much other stuff going on and yet when I got the email about Bebop I had to write about him cuz I will miss him and I love him too and it is always sad to lose a loved one even tho you know they live on and are with you is not the same but life is all about changes and how you deal with them so chin happy...celebrate his being part of your life and allowing him to continue to be always in your memories that are cherished and try to move forward...I know it is hard but don't know what else to say...hope this makes sense someway....Pam

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fighter4life's picture

Sorry about your loss, good poem you wrote in memory of him though.