
alone yet not

left with only the shadow of a

glittering ghoul

a top a surprising tin of goodies

praying like a startling fool

the glories that be

spit foul the fairness of grace

that take man out of as well as away

from his originally intended place

in life there comes a silent stampede of

unnecessary servitude

but this is something we all must in one

way or another go through

like latches on doors which have no hinges

life is full of obstacles that take away

from or add to love's miner sweet binges

while the ever frank murmur of quiet charity

for this monumental nudge of uninformed fate

they pull up short as well the reigns of each

his own divided self hate

as just beyond the words of the lyrically

wounded heart

my temperament's hat lies bruised by

unmerciful stones like a priceless piece of

still art

calling to Renoir himself so lifeless in its

solitary slumber

the constricted lungs fail my raspy voice

giving it no breath as I stumble away

engaged in thought

but none any the more dumber

but I have indeed done what I originally set

out to do

I have learned of my many life's little lessons

he who advises never lets himself be advised

'Tis A Pity' ......................

(Feb. 17, 1994 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

mining for a little more self discovery for that famed question of 'Who Am I?'

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Muhammad Naveed Ahmed's picture

See! You have just expressed yourself so clearly and the woman you are or have been always...true, loyal, loving, sincere and deep...as well as deeply hurt.
I loved every line of this poem and wish you had been lecturing worldwide as a renowned scholar and critic as well as a poetess of great calibre...which you are beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Well done Melissa...again I will say you are a born poetess...not to mention what you yourself are hiding so subtly in your lines.