
quite recently
a much younger friend of mine
asked me
how do you win a woman's heart
with such confluence of anticipation
and anxiety in his voice
that after much contemplation and
consideration all my own
I simply replied reassuringly back to him
respect and reverence I imagine
ultimately play a large part
at least I, myself can claim being behind
that of a woman's perspective
that would be how I would see it
others may undoubtedly disagree
that is their prerogative always indeed
but truth, honest intent and deep
seated sincerity
must come to play the pivotal cornerstones
for a heart's hopeful monopoly
there can be no short cuts in this
particular enterprise
not without risking detrimental flaw
in the general construction of personalities
for love is a river that courses between
two beings
such ebbs and flows though realized
and even expected
prepare not, one for the riptides
yet to come
and there will be riptides
that takes time and patience' own
substance is a life long glue
and if that mentioned substance
is discovered to be weak
in any area of a relationship that
is emotionally important
gradual depreciation is guaranteed
to affect the outcome of such union's value
there exists no credible repair shops
for relationships
once torn they invariably tatter, bleed
and break apart
so I respond
look not for the one who is shiny, flashy
polished and sparkling
the prettiest gem in the pile to look at
but rather she whom others can little see
for remember
some of the finest diamonds ever discovered
were passed over by numerous previous eyes
who saw only rough edged rocks
and suspected nothing more
any human of quality is capable of
recognizing a gem by its vibrations
more so than its appearance alone
and in one's search for a suitable mate
such radar as that is vital to tap into
so see always as best as you can
each person for who they are
never so much the pretty display
of their over all appearance...........
(Jan. 5, 2015 638pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I had a lovely conversation with a young friend of mine and he was so eager to learn how to win a woman's heart and wanted my best advice for his dilemma. I took my time and in such great depth of conversation I was able to give him some ideas and after that conversation this poem came to craft itself onto my page. Enjoy!

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deepinyourdreams's picture

Winning the heart may be as

Winning the heart may be as simple as a flower

Keeping the pedals vibrant is a nurturing process.


bishu's picture

Great quote :::: Too late for wooing women [in my case]

any human of quality is capable of 
recognizing a gem by its vibrations



palewingedpoetess's picture

I am glad and honored my words can move you to reply!

I set my bar not too high nor too low just high enough to lure thinking minds and feeling hearts to feel drawn to step over their own previously preconceived ideas and allow their inner selves to polish them up a bit more. Always good to hear anything from you brother bishu.......fondly, M.