The Most beautiful day the world has ever known


The Most beautiful day the world has ever known


Where did you go winter, where is your icy blast, where are you hiding,
Today when I walked in short sleeved shirt in the meadow where the trees,
Still do not have their summer coats, buds nervous on the bough not sure,
If they should unfurl their new leaves, can this be April, the flirty lady
Of the spring deceptively mild and then as in a cruel jest, can allow
Winter to wing its way back in to frighten nature with all its amorous intent,

but how glorious this spring day and the smile on the faces of passers by,
people emerge from their cocoons struggling to shred their winter clothes,
Hardly believing that winter and the lashing storms so recent in time are,
Now just a distant memory like a bad dream that you are hardly remember,
Spring is always known as a rebirth and yes it is a rebirth and no one knows this

more than the island nation that hangs off the west coast of Europe,
Where a sunny day in spring is the most beautiful day the world has ever known.

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Ah, England

I visited once, on a student trip 5 days 4 nights. Very expensive in the 60's to just get around. Loved the pubs. A friend of mine was ordering shots and taking the glasses, she had a whole collection to sneak past customs. England, the monosyllabic clock was cool, but Westminister rocked - I walked on poets.