Grief Pond

Fictional Muses

You dreamed you were a Fish;
A koi, just like my sister loved.
I knew you were perfect then,
In that moment, holding you close.
She pet your scaled head
And smiled her ghostly approval.
She may lie under stones and earth
But she still talks to me.
Lets me know someone cares.
I await a great exhalation
A relief, a reprieve.
A deflation of ego
And maybe a dash of
Genuine apology.
But it doesn't come.
The universe won't say sorry
It doesn't care that she's gone.
The sun still rises and sets
And I am allowed to find you
Meet you, have you, love you.
She enjoys my happiness with me
Just as she cried with me as I mourned.
I will never not love her
And I will never stop loving you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by the circumstances around another fictional muse of mine, Scotty.

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allets's picture

Beam Me Up Scotty

I love dead people but I don't share time with them, too many alife to eat more time than I have...but interesting concept - a metphor for keeping the spirit literally alive as a presence-memory always - allets



Oroborus's picture


I don't know many dead people at all, so my thoughts are likely romantic and idealized, but at least it makes decent poetry. Glad you found it cool. :)