4 Heaping Spoonfuls

Wakefullness and the queasy feeling
Not a hangover, somewhere between
Fatigue and dehydration
Wash face, brush teeth.
Pour out the filthy grime of
And rinse it down the sink with
Hot Water
Take the glass beaker from the
Silver cage and pull debris from it with
My nails.
Wash hands, rinse glass, rinse screen
Four heaping spoonfuls
And the kettle grumbles rather than screams.
Pour, let it cool, push down to strain.
The aroma makes it worth it
I don't even drink the stuff.

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Dizzylemons's picture

I love all of the clever half

I love all of the clever half rhymes, clever seems to be a word that is coming to my mind often when I read your poems! Thank god for PP being messed up and showing me random comments instead of "Replies to my posts" or I probably never would have read them. Those 4 spoonfuls of splenda make all the difference :P

Oroborus's picture

Thank you!

Aw thank you for the kind words, I'll try not to let being clever go to my head. :P yeah that replies link leading elsewhere is something that happens pretty often to me too, occasionally with very awesome results. Take care, thanks for the input.