The biggest mistake I ever made,
I didn't make with you.
The biggest mistake we made together,
Was deciding to start without seeing it through.
How long has it been since our frienship was sane?
Back before the sleepless nights and dances in the acid rain?
Was it last Christmas or Christmas Eve?
It's stangely amusing when I think of all we've,
Come through, and fell through,
I think I need to tell you,
The things that we wanted may not have been what we needed,
But, I've no more regrets, and if I could, I'd repeat it.
God led me down a broken path, but He used it to fix me.
I just hope you'll forgive me for taking you with me.
- Alex
this piece
was tight
you are loved more than you know.
thank you.
and...everything else you know that i'm thinking and just can't seem to get into words. =)