so now *


So now I stand here restless,

I stand here head in hands.

This island that I stand on now,

The oceans wrapped around us, once,

My tear drops, in the sand.

So now I stand here F'd up.

My tail between my legs.

The cutting's left my veins run dry,

The sex has left me aching. Soon,

I'll fall apart again.

So now I'm here,

The Lord knows why.

Thank God cuz there's no way that I,

Could figure out the reason.

I'm so, so lost.

I'm so, so scared.

I'm sick of this.

I'm tired.

I've never been so tired.

I've given up,

I'm moving on.

From something on to nothing.

I'm headed that way anyway,

Why bother to postpone it?

So now...

So now I have no idea what I'm doing.

In this God forsaken life I live,

I just have no more life to give.

So let me leave, don't make me greave.

Cuz now I just want out.

    - Lo Ruhamah

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A20wattbulb: You gonna be alright?
mollyollyoxnfre: maybe you know when i snap....

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oh_so_odd's picture

how is it that we've come to be like this? what happened to "let kids be kids" and now adays we can barely wake up because of so much stress.

i love you alex, and am always praying for you. wonderful piece and be happy.