did it ever? ***


    Lovely how the rowdy shouting's clouding, causing doubting. Spouting out the things I'm thinking, linking up and sinking, shrinking. Drinking to the brink of losing, fusing boozing with abusing. Choosing bruises hues of blues and still refusing this confusing news. I'm cruising, snoozing, no more using your seducing. Waking, shaking, something's making all the aching snaking through my body, caught me, got me tied in knots and I forgot what happened. Something snapped when all the flaws caused me to pause and call to God or all who'd listen, moan and piss and risk it all, so you recall to listen to the squall and hiss of all of this.

Sorry, darling, parting's starting bizarrely not to scar me, harming nearly no one, nearly no fun, now that you're done, now that no sun rises, flies and tries to light the skies and although no good byes surprise me. All the calmness promised, come as someone's dramas, traumas causes almost all these problems, only I'm alone and lonely, someone's only gotta know me. It's not that no one wants to try it, but I sit alone at home and let the phone ring, moaning, groaning. And I'm prone to hold my own as long as something's wrong. I'm only strong when peace is gone, at least the song sounds good that way.

      - Lo Ruhamah

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Ironically, two songs on the Backstreet Boys' Millennium album titled "Don't Wanna Lose You Now" and "Don't Want You Back" play right after eachother... violent mood swings, eh?

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no more using your seducing

Sorry, darling, parting's starting bizarrely not to scar me, harming nearly no one

I love you. The way you write, your sense of humor. If this endless praise gets to be too much, let me know.