

I promise I don't hate you,

Don't think I ever could,

I just look at things different,

I finally understood.

Things are different then they were,

I've learned that we weren't right.

I've turned around and tried to change,

I've lost my will to fight.

I tried to make you understand,

I tried to help you see,

The people we believed were wrong,

I wish you'd just trust me.

I've searched and found the only truth,

We followed empty rules,

The laws and customs that we knew,

They played us all like fools.

I've learned and grown in many ways,

I wish that you would too,

The powers that once ruled my life

Still have their hold on you.

            -Lo Ruhamah

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Me and you are caught up in the same flow...I'm just swimming against it.
- Delita  Final Fantasy Tactics

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Amber Nicholl's picture

Really like this, it has wonderful flow.

oh_so_odd's picture

how did i miss this one?? is really good...i feel kinda bad not reading this one before. Well i like it alot and thought i should share Molly

X X's picture

Very good poem. It reminds me of the places I've been while writing many of my poems. Keep up the good work. I especially liked the quote from Final Fantasy Tactics, great game. It also fits the poem.