

Friends will never stay with me,

They'll run farther than I can see.

They say we're tight, but then we break,

These "friends" are more than I can take.

They make me laugh, they make me smile,

But, I've found that, after a while,

Something comes up, it blinds us so,

We say we're friends, but it won't show.

I wish that it was not this way,

I wish that all my friends would stay.

But, I've found that though I mean well,

Most would not mind if I burned in hell.

I've got errors, and my flaws,

And that, I know, is adequate cause,

For those I love to get upset,

I know my life is not right yet,

I wish I could fix it, and make it right,

But I don't know what to do tonight.

Even those who are called "best"

The ones who love me unlike the rest,

Get aggrivated by my certain,

Things I do I can't contain.

I may mess up, I worry,

All I can say is sorry.

                - Lo Ruhamah

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"Seems like there's a whole bunch of losers here."
- Zell  Final Fantasy 8

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Emberly Lopez's picture

WOW! You've captured exactly I feel towards friends, and just people in general. It's sad that I feel that way, but too many people have screwed me over to look at anyone other than just an associate. Thanks for sharing, it makes me feel like I'm not alone!