I Have A Dream

I have a dream I haven't told,

So you will be the first.

I cover-up this mad desire,

And never show the thirst.

In quiet times I plot and plan

Retirement as an exit.

I think of ways and means to earn,

Inflate my bank deposit.

Where others dread the day they'll quit

The work force, old and tired,

I walk along inventing ways

To reach my Heart's Desire.

A flood of energy exudes,

And how my heart, it pumps!

Cat-like, stretches, preens, and moves,

As suddenly just jumps!

I see a myriad of days

With me at easel tall.

A Grandma Moses old and sage

In sunny spring or fall.

I'll write.  I'll paint.  I'll spend my time

In reading some good works.

I'd like to start while I'm still sane

Not looney, filled with quirks.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I really, really would like to retire to paint and to write novels all day.  Hmmm, and I got this from a 10 word challenge????  Must be on my mind...

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kenneth_ameigh's picture

I'll bet the majority of us have the same dream....To do something in life that is our passion. Enjoyed your poem. Ken

kat's picture

Not only did you meet the challenge in excellent form (as usual) but so quickly! What was it, perhaps 30 minutes since I sent you the words and you....wrote and posted it? Wow, I am impressed!
