ADHD? Or a class divided family




He strikes the gavel once

Achievement! Leadership!



Time to pay attention

Lectures flow like parables

words babble between foot rests and under the coffee tables

creeping through the boxes meant to pack the books unshelved

books not yet tucked into the cardboard cribs of Kelv

They rest in shifting stacks

as the quotes from each are loosely conjured

stirring them means a shuffling through the pages of the chapters

breeze through the water loving trees

aspen white peeling bark

the large palm shaped leaves

they cradle curiosity

they contain my very being



Pistachios and pickle parts

hitting historic wooden floors at different decimals

the sounds of a little boy nearby


His father strikes the gavel twice

Perseverance!  Reputation!


His words trail over the coursing water as the bats catching bugs at dusk

It's the quiet when he is gone that lets green algae pool and must

and when the sheets are folded very neatly

when they are folded very neatly

they are folded very neatly



When I am living check to check

it hurts a lot when you forget one

one time I made a pie

but didn't leave enough for anyone

I wore the shame upon my lips

You keep yours in a vacation fund

It's the responsible professional

that can stay in one place longer

take the kids to California

battle temperatures and hunger


This swamp is sweltering humid

Try to listen to advice

To the salty clinging t-shirt

the pouring of sweat

my stress, my vice

 spoken from a man that never swam with out a vest

are words that I can not apply on gesso holding tight across my mess

The secrets you disclose on how a mother should behave

your vast knowledge being shared that I am digging my own grave


It is not an option to drive your hybrid vehicle

across the roads that aren't paved




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nightlight1220's picture

Unique and

Unique and interesting. 




The bulk of the population has gone psychopath if you ask me, so ...adhd? Why not? Let's throw obsessive compulsive in there while we're at it. Seems to be the direction we're moving in as a society...


Labels labels...who wants a label? Labels for sale, and so telltale, the way we cling to lables, even freedom goes to jail.


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


pbenarumairaj's picture


I agree with what you have said at the end "It is not an option to drive your hybrid vehicle on roads that aren't paved".  Great!  Yea, we got to sail smoothly without beeing hurled here and there and finally into the dustbin.  But then, life is not a bed of roses, I suppose.  We got to take even bumpy roads! Get used to bumps!  No love lost if you are ready to take anything willingly and lovingly.


a.griffiths57's picture

ADHD Or a class divided family:



I enjoyed your poem and its unusal outlay and presentation.  It describes well a family divided and portrays this too. Good read your poetry.

Unseen.warfare's picture

I like this. Legit as

I like this. Legit as fuckkkk. Keep it creamy.