
O! Vanilla lie!
I love in vain,
alone in love.
I live alone.

A lone love
An evil villain
In naive love,
I live alone.

Even in love,
I live on E-
None evolve. None leave.
I live alone.

On vile ale,
I live in vain.
An eon alone, I lie.
I live alone.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Limited by the alone.
Duncan Lu, Benjamin Lam, Conrad Yeung and Nathan Lee

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Very clever use of words

Very clever use of words being stuck in an idea is so true of many of us need to take our blinkers off. Blinkers as in the eye guards horses that pull carts have so as not to distract them. Ok if you dont mind being controlled or Aware but I'd be inclined to rip them off save me being ripped off from all that life offers, there's more than love in this world, that's how we come by it, ;)

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."