Letters From The Moon

To want 'more' of something creates an assumption, a query, a debate of sorts within the self that there is an awareness of lack within the self. So before reaching for 'more' I have found it beneficial to examine if there is indeed 'lack'. To win 'more', out of a need that underlies the things we choose to see, as opposed to that which we refuse to see, can lead exactly where we do not want to be, only to feel the perceived need for more of the same lack. Introspection of oneself beyond the surface lack is what makes a winner. You can be the best at anything you want to be, if you see yourself as the best at the start of the journey. There may be no medal of honor, no red carpet, no crown of glory or paved paths of precious gems. There will only be the divine knowledge of gaining the insight of your truth and your purpose, which is a only a trophy that rests in the sacredness of infinity....that's all it is.   ;-) 


Chase your dream. If you get tired along the way, ask yourself for more of what is lacking.... ;-)



© 2013

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