
Alone in dark,

Alone in Night

Alone in world

its a scary sight...

Alone in room

Alone in class

Alone in dreams

like mist on grass...

Alone I must,

Alone I see,

Alone he left

to let me be...

Alone I thought

Alone I tried

Alone I found

a shade to hide...

Alone i went

Alone I was gone

Alone he came

to take me home...

Alone I was,

he came to know

Alone again

I could not show...

Alone in life

Please hurry and come

Alone I dont want to be Numb!!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Feelings...05-feb-09...6:17..p.m random thoughts!!

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lavalady's picture

Pretty good. I don't know about the end but the rest was really good.