
Why spend time with some1 if all you do is fight?

Why be with some1 u dont trust? It dont seem right.

Why does it seem like you dont get me at all?

Why get so pissy over the hookers ball?

Why cant you jus let me be me and have some fun?

Why not let me go out with out you? Im not gonna run.

Why treat me like your child or even your pet?

Why keep me locked up, I havent left you yet.

Why be a jerk when I all I want is to be happy and free?

Why not take me out from under lock and key?

Why wont you realize im my own person too.

Why do I let you treat me like you do?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

not done yet but will finish later :)

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allets's picture

And It Is Finished

So many females are oppressed and forced to no express themselves and experience the world on terms written by themselves. Men, they have to be trained or taken to the park and left there. - :D



lavalady's picture

this is a good poem! nice!