
Family Poems

What a lucky girl’s we are to have a mum like you,
Never Looking for acknowledgement for all the things you do.

You have always given us the best and that you can’t deny
You would give us everything in the blink of an eye.

For you are always the first one, to pick us up when we are down,
You know just what to do, to wipe away that frown.

You have always been there, through the good times and the bad
Holding our hands when we need you, guiding us when things go a little mad.

You put your arms around us, and keep us safe from harm
You do it like no other, with your soft motherly charm.

We have be given the best Mum a child could wish for,
You are special and unique a Mum we all adore.

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This is sweet:) its good that

This is sweet:) its good that some ppl still trust their moms.