The Night The Moon Blushed

I recall seeing the moon blush

For centuries
poets, musicians and singers
have begged her
to become their lover
with tears in their eyes
they've propelled their art
towards the skies
hoping to get a favorable answer
but like winter
she remained cold and never bothered

My first time on stage
june 1997
21 years of age
a young man
metaphorically opening his rib cage
so people could read his emotions;
guts spilled in writing
blood soaked up with writing
wounds desinfected with writing
i was voicing
my pain aloud
for the pleasure and torture of a crowd
naturally i was convinced
that the whole audience
was human...

I recall seeing the moon blush

I'm sitting on a couch
men and women are surrounding me
emotionaly destabilized
by my poetry
each one of them reacts differently
some want to hold and hug me
others want to sleep with me
some want to cry with me
others want to write with me
one of them
a friend
a lady
spoke to me:

i had no idea...
your words are so...intense...
do you have any idea
how much i love you?
do you?"

Then she kissed me
on her tongue
i could taste her warmth, her life
on her breath
i could smell her passion, her pain
without knowing it
she had me...

I recall seeing the moon blush

It's about one in the morning
i'm sitting at home
remembering the evening's events
when i hear a knock on my window
it was the moon
i invited her in
she was blushing
she spoke:

"I don't usually do this
but then again
i've never felt like this
earlier today you were sharing
your poetry with the world
and i heard every word;
your voice left me no choice
it took me
i want you
i need you
i refuse to
go on without you
i've fallen for you
i am yours..."

As she spoke
her glow grew more intense
i could sense
her sincerity
although she
was beautiful
glorious, eternal
my answer was:

my heart belongs to another"

I have'nt seen her since
she has dissapeared from my skies
her glow
does'nt reach my eyes anymore
and my nights
have never been this dark
i miss her...

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Lovely! The last lines are

Lovely! The last lines are just gorgeous! Quite a journey but well worth it! Thanks SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."