What Became of Your Beautiful Heart?

What became of your beautiful heart?

It had the power to inspire art,

to heal the hurt, to strike light in darkness.


What became of your beautiful heart?

It lost its way in loving too hard,

in feeling too much, in falling too quick.


What became of your beautiful heart?

Another actress failing the part,

turning to drink, dying at thirty.


What became of your beautiful heart?

Touching me from the start,

from the very beginning, from the chasm of time.


What became of your beautiful heart?

My overbearing love tore it apart,

Iā€™m sorry darling, so very sorry.

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allets's picture


Emotional but not overly sentimental - straight talk about reality and how love or its absence or cruelties does harm. Truth! - slc




yojacky's picture

wow this almost made me tear

wow this almost made me tear up
