Give Me a Sky to Fly

 Give me a sky to fly!
With clouds being a home afloat,
Where can I ponder and sigh,
Travel freely as if on a solitary boat.


Ears o’ mine receiving messages heavenly,
The birds translating resonance from the wind,
Shower bliss with utter ecstasy,
Beckon the Creator for being thus kind.


Yearning to tap the horizon afar,
Once I who knows! may draw closer.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

I would like to keep writing poems so long as my 'time' makes its presence felt! Notably, I have dared to coin a new term i.e. "Poe'ten'ry" (poems of ten lines) and I would like my readers to view my poems as parts of "Poe'ten'ry" rather than "Poetry".

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LovingLovelace's picture

Brilliant poe'ten'ry! The

Brilliant poe'ten'ry! The words by themselves and the layout, you can tell it flowed as well as it was thought out :)


If your mirror doesn't find you one of the most beautiful people it has ever seen, punch it and find a better mirror.

KingofWords's picture


Thank you very much for your inspiring comment.