Hold My Arm and Move on…

Don’t you ever dare to cry,

If you do, believe me I’ll die,

Let the bad memories take a hike,

Let the black hole of oblivion strike.


Future is calling you,

With something unexpected, something new,

If time makes us apart, if I lag behind,

Will I still live in your mind?   


As long as the snow falls,

As long as the cuckoo calls,

And the poets keep writing,

For you my heart will never forget beating.


Does the present take you back to the past?

When time would run so fast,

On your rosy lips the kisses,

Would turn you into Marvell’s 'coy mistress'.  


As blood is for the body,

So are you for my existence, for my me,

You know it well my love, I can’t ever live alone,

Just hold my arm and move on.

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bishu's picture

Grand words Mr Haque.A good write

Grand words Mr Haque.A good write.....



KingofWords's picture

Thank you

Thank you a lot my friend. I'm glad that you liked it.