
I hide the secrets that you keep,

And lull you into fitful sleep.

I stumble through a faint reprise

To see the world through diamond eyes.


Poison reeks in the game you play,

Deaf to honesty you can't repay.

Create the villain that you see,

This monster that you make of me.


In kindness I extend my hand,

Though you're no damsel in distress.

You read too far between the lines,

And now you've made this deed a mess.


Stumble back into your crevice,

Until this childish song has played.

Never bite the hand that feeds,

And consider the debt repaid.

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Thank you friends

Thank you friends

nightlight1220's picture

Love it! Such

Love it! Such feeling!


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "