The Storyline of Music


As the tempo tiptoes through my mind,
my eyes flutter
as I begin to dream of evenings in white satin.

Believing I am bound to the harmony,
it turns on me,
as the accidentals dance across the page
as if frogs were leaping to lily pads.

Undergoing a heart racing experience,
minding that every note,
every moment is keen.

Gradually retreating,
slowly falling into the abyss.
Revealing a tunnel that leads
to the stony end.

Returning to where I began,
as the tempo tiptoes through my mind,
dreaming of my own story to share.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is my one of my first poems...

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S74rw4rd's picture

Good, but not enough of this poem

You need to expand this to a series, using the musical terms as a theme.  I took piano lessons too many years ago to remember well (I think they had just invented the piano when I started; shucks, maybe they had just invented music, I don't know), and I remember lots of Italian words that addressed tempo, technique, timbre, volume, etc., etc., (I hope it wasn't so long ago that they had just invented the language).  All of those could go into a marvelous series.  You have the talent to write it, you just have to organize it now.

Starward becoming J-Called

LostInTranslation's picture

Wow...after all this time I

Wow...after all this time I never thought about that. 

I'll start working on it now.


Thank you.


Siempre amor,

Jordan <3

-- Jordan <3

allets's picture

Well Written Firsts

Frogs and Adagio - what better combination than that! Fine penning among your early writes, encore!! ~~A~~