
My voice is lost in the cries of the world,

Maybe that is why no one hears me,

I yell and I scream,

But the sound is lost,

I'm reaching out my hand,

For someone to hold,

My hand is turning purple,

Because its freezing cold,

My voice is slowly fading,

From my constant scream,

Drowned out by the sounds of my nightmare turned dream,

I'm hanging off the edge,

Looking for a way out,

But my voice is fading,

My heart is slowing down,

My eyes are feeling heavy,

My scream is the only sound,

Why will you not hear me,

Why do you all walk away,

When I am hanging over the edge,

Begging for a hand to stay.

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M A U I's picture

a poem of desperation and helplessness. i could definitely relate to it. and i liked this poem ^_^