electric jew

the electric jew

you sit so seated in

direct connection to

the permeating station


selling it to you!

soft, the billboard lies

the flies that gather new

round the horse's eyes


so seditious youth

suffering the sameness

indignity for truth

are forced to be so shameless

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J-C4113d's picture

May I ask what you mean by

May I ask what you mean by the title?


lizardking's picture

not sure how to respond

it has to do with the jews historical role as merchants and money changers in europe, as well as their current role in media

J-C4113d's picture

Thank you.  But . . . if I

Thank you.  But . . . if I may follow up . . . other peoples have function as merchants and money-changers, and other people have current roles in the media; so why single one group out?


lizardking's picture

why not?  

why not?


J-C4113d's picture

Well, if it is not obvious, I

Well, if it is not obvious, I really can't explain it.  Myself, I think it is inappropriate, considering both world history and what is going on in society as we speak.  Genesis 12:3 may be enlightening here.


lizardking's picture

i don't think it's inappropriate

i'm trying to be graceful in my speech so i'll try not to be too outspoken, because i really don't feel like arguing about whether or not """antisemitism""" is a problem in society or whether or not christians are allowed to be cynical about judaism


do some digging and some research about the church's historical position on these issues. the chosen people is the christian church, not an ethnic group. God doesn't value one race over any other, but he did make them all different. so when i call something "jewish," that means something tied into both history and present realities

J-C4113d's picture

Oh, ok, thanks for the

Oh, ok, thanks for the guidance.  I will go do some digging and some research about the church's historical position on those issues.  Shucks, why didn't I think of that?  Thanks again for the reply.  Now I need to get busy with that digging and research.
