Compilation from Baneful Ennui


The enigma enfolds my senses

leaving me drowsy and weak

i can't seem to find the answer

i've forgotten what it is i seek

swirling in the mists of unknown

seemingly just out of my grasp

these things i journey, long to find

seems to be a developing task

i stress my brains and try my heart

to uncover the hidden truths that lay

but it seems from the very start

i was followed by havoc and dismay

upon this bright world i must flee for

the brightness of the sun in may

hurts my fragile eyes and burns skin

so i flee to a sweet dark dank hole

i bury myself so not even a pin

of light can get this undead mole

so i lay and wait for the light to end

and darkness to consume me

blind eyes lay open to nothing

and mind lay closed in pain

torment is all i can ever see

and i'll never know a friend

it is in this protective shell

i harbor my woes and life

but it is in this private hell

i am left to suffer my strife

altho i live to die another day

and all seems lost, doom feared

it is in this existence of gray

that i hope one will find me here

Someone to love to hold in lifes

warm embrace until the day that

death shall part us for just a little

while and even in death never trully

be parted for love always finds a way

to be reunited if it should be true love

Here I am in my little dark corner

life all around but no one is living

what excuses have they to hide

i have lost my identity in a journey

searching for a life that has died

my life's over and i have not lived

empty now from always giving

from this corner, this isolation

i see only worlds of desolation

nothing for me, not this being

a nothingness fills my seeing

how to live a lonely existence

how to cure a deadly pestilence

it seems i am stuck with myself

left, in my corner, with no help....

I see the Knife sitting on the Counter

I remember when my wife took my children

And My dog died last month

The bill for my crushed car came in the mail today

Just Last Week My boss said I was fired

And That Knife just sitting there smiling at me...

the blade glistens despite its wear

vaguely i see my blood upon it

how conviently it had been sitting there

and now, in my hands, i wonder why

it had ever managed to catch my eye

no matter, the dead is all but done

the blood pours from once-lively flesh

and veins burst and heart pulls

fainting, falling, blood exploding

the room is filling, indead it's full

and all i can see is the red

and visions of better times in my head

soon all goes black and i all to the

floor i awoke with bright light shinning

in my eyes and others standing over me

saying my name they were all dressed in

white but i relized i wasnt dead but still alive

i couldnt even get that simple thing right

I scream at them to leave me be

why can't they just all go away

I want to be in my corner again

without these people around me

let me life in my glum solitude

so i can die some other day

i try to let them see my pain

translate the invisible to plain sight

it is in my hands i hold the remains

shadow i musn't, free them of the night

show my actions to be words

hoping soon that they will see

the place i dwell, a lonesome world

and sense the prick, the thorn that be

for in this world, a lonesome eternity

that i spend with myself

they offer drugs and free glee

but the form of their help

--is a strait jacket

so, refuse their help, i know i must

release myself of their eyes

i must make it for myself

to the world of unprying eyes

By James Daniel Darr,Little Leprechaun,Arnoediad,BloodLust516

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was made by me and 3 other poets from the Baneful Ennui. It took a few days, maybe a week, of posts bu this is the end result -- no title as of yet

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Reginald Victor Bennett IV's picture

I kind of stayed up all night reading all your poems which I should of done years ago, but I did'nt :(

After all of them, even after getting off the phone with you before I started reading, I feel really down in the dumps,,, EXTREMLY depressed,, I feel Like when I arm-up tomorrow and collect my 120round of 8.56 NATO ammuntion I should pull the fucking trigger, but I am not going too,, for many reasons. When I get down in the dumps Josh,, I just of think of you and I when we were little kids, and hope one day I could see you again, you are the best friend I ever had.

I remember when i was 15 and I had just gotten my learners, and I think you were 14 at the time, yeah, it was just passed your b-day, and you were at the mall calling me from the pay-phone. Man you wanted to come over so bad but David did not want to drive 30 some minutes down the road. So i asked my mother if we could come and get you and she said "not today but if he can catch a ride from someone, then yes". But you knew that their was not going to be any rides, and even your mother would never lift a foot to help you, so you walked, 4 hours it took you to get to my house, o man did you look tired then ever,, then the next day you and I OWNED the house ahha,, we had the biggest pillow fight ever! Well i really would'nt say it was a pillow fight,, it was more like rocks wraped up in your hat and I was the one with the pillow. I had so many bruises all over but it was one of the best times you and I ever had :)

Josh,, I know that your Father walked out on yall and your mother is and always will be the worst person out there,, but that is what makes you. I can understand if these poems are written to relieve stress, which I have no-doubt in my mind they are, but add a few good things :) for me. please.

Your friend for all times

Reginald Victor Bennett IV's picture

OMFG JOSH,, LIFE IS NOT THAT BAD.. Look i know you have been through alot of ruff times,,, but you also know that I was there to HELP YOU TRHOUGH THEM,, so at least add 1 good thing to this poem. man o man. Look, how about this,, you can spend at least 2 months of your life in the military with me,,, and see how you like working 16hrs a day for 6 days straight living in a tent and while you sleep you are huging your M4-203 rifle like it was your fucking pillow praying that will wake up the next morning. geezzzz LOL man we are going to have to talk.