Beers & Burdens


“Beers & Burdens”   11 – 25 – 02

Joshua Abt-Barnett

The wind blows

The chime rings

I hear a howl

As the full moon beams

I sit here now

In my chair

Enjoying the beer

And the night air

I reflect on the day

All the havoc and dismay

Was there ever a way

To avoid that day in May

I take another sip

As I drift in thought

I am taken on a trip

Thinking of moments...

with you.

I awake to an early dawn

Another chance

Probably none

As I pick up the pieces

The sun shines

Its rays pierce

A glimpse of hope

A fresh start

Maybe this day

Will warm my heart

I may find

The courage to say

I did love you

Even that day in May...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

being out in the middle of god's forgotten somewhere has its adavntages... great view of the stars

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D. L.'s picture

cool poem..but if you are in hell, usa you must be in ft. stockton,tx