The Cold Room

Do you enjoy reading my stillborn feelings

that I have placed here for your amusement

Tell me you're amused

Let me hear the applause

Congradulations on giving life

But life was sucked out

on that Thursday

The stench of the chemicals seeping from

his coffin...

and I was the only one who could smell it

Ive spent three weeks kissing hugging and

beating the fuck out of a toilet seat

Chopped up confetti

and all of it to only wake up and

find out how short life really is

You have been searching and searching

and you still dont know whos in that dizzy little mirror

Perhaps its from the condensation of your breath

Or the new void inside of you where his

is missing

I should stop blaming God

and start blaming myself for never




I held him for the last time

and he told me thank you

as the tears ran selflessly out my eyes

I know the cold room

is a better place for you.

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There are profound depths of emotion to this poem---much between the lines.

Starward becoming J-Called