Leaf-Like Tendencies

Caught up on a sharp whisper

Heard it soil the air

We make shadow puppets in the corner

we call it       secrets

Dreaming as school girls do

Riding on that whimper of a hope

and realize that the whole world was bluffing

and laughing its ass off

at leaf-like tendencies

Chilled barbaric drinks

cancered lungs

inhaling the conversations of deadbeats

ponder your purpose

It is unsettling:

a relentless insanity that yields to a muse

Murky thoughts purified into theory


lights off, what is darkness?

A name, a name

sharp, heavy- I believe in nothing else

Stunning pierce in the brain

I sleep tonight with this

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S74rw4rd's picture

You have described here a process in the soul that very few people admit, and of which few have written. This is excellent!
