Forgive Me

The ocean has spoken

She threw herself upwards and

spun the stars into a mascarade

And the stars tucked their tails and

bowed down to the salty wonder

And I held your hand

like it's been there the whole time

The night became a glimmer

and I squeezed it in my palms

I felt the sky beneath me

where the weight had gotten heavy

and I began to dance with all that was

It was the comprimise

of mind and heart

and the choice has echoed and

haunted me like the ghosts you

see in the reflections in the hospital windows

it's whats left of you and me

I opened up my hands and

I let the morning out

It painted all the clouds as the sun was waking up

And the trees began to shimmer while

they stretched their branchy fingers

And I whispered through your ear, as if

I'd never spoke at all

And you see it and you saw it

But you said that you could not.

View life_used_to_be_lifelike's Full Portfolio
S74rw4rd's picture

A lot of sadness in that final line . . .
