Empty Beds are Like Empty Bottles

You know, I hadn't seen you in awhile and

last night I realized why.

You drank a whole entire bottle of Jack Daniels and went

stumbling around, your baby in the next room

Your husband on the front porch, you kissed my mouth

I didn't know what to do.

I just know boredom and ignorance has a new uprising in this bland town

We take to the bottle and find within ourselves some fresh coat of bravery

I do not dare fall into this trap.

Right around then it's time to go home,

sleep in my very empty bed

While on the phone with the person I cannot get out of

my head...for the moment

You began to notice, everything is only a moment

You don't feed into expectations, or believe that what you

hold might have length or depth or anything other then an almost certain disappointment

So, just go with it.

Because you never know when your idealisms will be proved wrong

Like this town, you can't give up on it

These kinds of things will always be around....

to haunt me.

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