Maddy Magpie



I was born in a storm

Came out screaming like

hell was on fire after all


I was raised a Sunday-One day Baptist

Jesus gon’ save me rapture 

By 12pm noon I was right with 

the Lord again

And by Monday I was a sinner once more 

But I am not a bad woman

I don’t bare my teeth in false kindness

Deep down I got sugar caked blood 

That’s how momma brought me up 

You don’t go bathing in the sweat off 

somebody else’s back


You take care of your own


And Lord knows,

I did

Even before my breasts grew in I did

Started collecting people,

those poor sick souls 

people who didn’t even know that their time card already been 

punched in


House always been

full of that death pull

Them old ghost chains a rattlin

And I tell ‘em no

I say no siree. Not yet. 

You leave my babies alone 


But I reckon there ain’t nothing 

really there I’m speaking to

Cuz they sure don’t listen 

God sure as shine don’t listen 

All I got is the creaks in the floor 

that answer me

And they ain’t much use with all

their squawkin


So I been on my own


All this while fighting my own ghosts 

Maddy Magpie got demons too

you know 

Got the devil in one corner and

Mary Jesus and Joseph in the other

Everyone hollerin at the same God damned time


Lord please forgive me


Yeah but I know what I do. 


I take care of my own

like momma said so


And I’ll feel right as rain when

that judgment day come 

You bet your sweet nickels I will. 

Cuz that day...

 sure as hell fire 

gonna come 

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Sure As Hell Fire

It will be nice to be able to be an example where I did well. slc