Virginity is a state of mind

English poems


Virginity is but a state of mind--

the goodbye to your once treasured childhood.

Virginity is but a state of mind.

It’s sad to lose it however you would.


You wish by some way you would regain it--

The goodbye to your once treasured childhood.

But it’s a goal that you will never hit.

You can’t go back to a state of never.


You wish by some way you would regain it.

But if there’s love, why would it still matter?

See, what has been done cannot be undone.

You can’t go back to a state of never.


Yet if you think you are, then you are one.

You just think of each time as your first time.

See, what has been done cannot be undone.

Just keep in mind that your love is sublime.

Virginity is but a state of mind.


You just think of each time as your first time.

Virginity is but a state of mind.


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