There was a young man from Calcutta

Who frequently gorged upon butter.

One day this fat fellow

Turned buttercup yellow

And melted all over the gutter.

A sailor whose surname was Adam,

When in Scotland was warned by a madam,

"When asked what you are

Don't say you're a tar....

You may just end up as macadam".

A kangaroo in southern Australia

Ruefully scorned his regalia.

He said,"This my jumper

Is not right for a thumper.

As top dresser I feel I'm a failure.

To give you a pointer,a shark

Is a fish to avoid in the dark.

Its razor-sharp teeth

Can earn you a wreath

For its bite is much worse than its bark.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I love writing Limericks.I enjoy the light-heartedness of it for a change of pace.A sense of humour is so important .

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Karyn Indursky's picture

An observation I made is that your title should be a folder/catagory rather than a poem title. I don't know about other people, but seeing multiple poems on a page distracts me. It could just be me, though, because I got off of work with a fried brain and sore eyes. Anyway, I really enjoyed your short poems. They were cute and funny. That's not something I often have the opportunity to read. This is another kind of poem I'm not good at, but you are. So, hats off to you.

Sherie Lund's picture

Hehe ....That's great...You have a very unique style with your's great, you are very talented.

saiom's picture

perhaps it is the sunlight! who gorged
upon butter.. became the buttercups
and melted in the gutter




Kathy Nguyen's picture

Of course, limericks are supposed to be humorous and light-hearted! That's the beauty of them! I enjoyed this piece of work that you wrote here. Nice!

Eileen Waldron's picture

These are great, a good example for me just learning limericks... thanks...Eileen

Christine M's picture

I find that I have so much daram in my life that I tend to go for the more light hearted poems and I love the ones you write. Great sense of humour.