I prayed to Eros for the time to be with you: Time has come;

To lay his shadow on the sundial of passionate reckoning and

Let loose the summer breezes upon the breast of beating hearts.

Let the ripening of our fruit be as the fullness of cornucopia

And give the zephyr winds a few more extended sunlit days

So we can press together the sweetness of the vine to wine.

Let our crimson passion last until the final rubrical sunset

As we journey through sylvan forest in unabashed nakedness;

Such as it was in the pre Edenic fall when love had no shame.

And now we only have adoring and watching over each other;

And your heart is open to be read by my singular passion;

Your mouth has no desire except to be touch by my mouth.

Let your already loosened long hair be as silk in my hands

As we surrender to each other like fallen rain on the moss;

Verily we will resonate in the poet’s songs now and hereafter.

Such interchange is only meted out in the clap of a thunderbolt

And when the sun kisses the ozonated mountain tops at dusk;

We are within ourselves and each other in this time of Eros

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I am beginning to run out of ways to express how brilliant your poems are; and this poem no less than any of the others.

Starward, to become J-Called on June 17th, 2024