My Wolves

This is not a Joke

Sorry for your loss


But I know Wolves

 Because I had

Me some.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's all true

 More later

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bishu's picture

Interesting style of delivery you have there Mr KS Sir

your posts are not as simple as they appear Frown I tried to understand the last 5.. The moony ones were somewhat simple... 


Flying up with gigantic wings of dreams

The lady on the glowing moon sings

She sings a mournful song like Shallots

He gets burnt and frozen into small ingots Laughing


BTW I warn you Sir.. Don't ever take me too seriously.... In addition I AM NOT A POET I'm a WORDER 

Best wishes from Kolkata ....... Hope U had a lovely Easter...



KindredSpirit's picture

Thanx Bishu

The fun part

 Is the interpertation

There is more to that poem
