Only You


pulsing through your veins.

Through your very being.

The throb of hot blood in you.

The frozen breathe you take.


Energy is in your veins,

It makes you have a destiny for only you can travel.

A fate that only you have.

Not everyone is going to be the same.

You have to accept that.

That your destiny and fate are going to be different than theirs.

You are your own person.

And you were made for something.

The throb of hot blood is the proof.


I hope you live life to the fullest.

That you have forgiven the person who has hurt you so that you can let go and heal.

That you have achieved your biggest goals.

So that when you take your last breathe,

You can feel the chill of being completed.

That you have completed your mission.

Take a frozen breathe.

See how it feels.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is for someone I know who is suicidal and doesn't understand how fragile life is. You know who you are.

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Every person is unique The

Every person is unique The world is suicidal...just look around you. Maybe the message your friend is telling you is that you are unaware of what we are doing to the earth and ourselves as a species ...with our eyes closed. Nice poem. Hope your friend has his/her eyes open and sees although we are all unique, the world needs us to be unique in an aware way right now, and not only aware of our own personal hurts and inner storms. Blessings.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "