Her Apex

Her curves are smooth yet unforgiving, her extremity depends solely on you
She begs to be tread quite carefully and you must vigilantly coordinate every single move

She needs to be touched in a certain grace that offers your upmost efficiency,
To dance with her while in confident chase for an intricate intensity

You should look right through her and feel her out as she grips you with an irresolute clench
She’ll find your weakness and if grazed carelessly she’ll teach a lesson you’ll never forget

Drive through the apex and reach the ultimate climax that has been agonizingly progressing it’s ascend
That relief quickly calms but is waiting on the next, right where she’ll make you feel alive once again

Author's Notes/Comments: 

...I love the track

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Sassylass's picture

a sweet

read! I'd say I was an adrenaline junky too.

My cycle sits covered now.

No more.

retired it to its place

nice writing!


Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....
